We work to create all-round value with a positive impact for all stakeholders.

We assist companies in taking their customers' experience to the next level, transforming technological investments into powerful business solutions. We contribute to the CX (R)Evolution of companies through next-generation AI-driven technology, our consulting services, and professional expertise. With the necessary skill sets and know-how, international experience, best practices, and the adoption of our partners' best technological solutions, we help drive companies' CX transformation.

We work to create all-round value with a positive impact for all stakeholders.

We assist companies in taking their customers' experience to the next level, transforming technological investments into powerful business solutions. We contribute to the CX (R)Evolution of companies through next-generation AI-driven technology, our consulting services, and professional expertise. With the necessary skill sets and know-how, international experience, best practices, and the adoption of our partners' best technological solutions, we help drive companies' CX transformation.
Integrity, Partnership, Reliability, Performance

These are the fundamental values we offer and want to share with our customers. We aim to be a long-term strategic partner.


Integrità, Partnership, Affidabilità e Prestazioni

Integrity, Partnership, Reliability, and Performance

These are the fundamental values we offer and want to share with our customers. We aim to be a long-term strategic partner.

Integrità, Partnership, Affidabilità e Prestazioni

We are a pragmatic, results-oriented organisation driven by a strong passion for what we do. The uniqueness of our solutions, services, and methodologies, combined with our accumulated experience, ensures excellent performance at the lowest possible cost. We will empower you to transform your CX Management program into a truly strategic asset for your business.
Our Mission

La nostra Mission

To help companies achieve the best possible Customer Experience, driving change, creating value, and fostering a customer-centric culture.
Our Mission
To help companies achieve the best possible Customer Experience, driving change, creating value, and fostering a customer-centric culture.

La nostra Mission

We are a pragmatic, results-oriented organisation driven by a strong passion for what we do. The uniqueness of our solutions, services, and methodologies, combined with our accumulated experience, ensures excellent performance at the lowest possible cost. We will empower you to transform your CX Management program into a truly strategic asset for your business.

CX Management is

our "Core Business"

The most successful companies have already adopted our Operational CX & VoC Management services within their organisation.

CX Management è il nostro core business

CX Management è il nostro Core Business

CX Management is


"Core Bus​iness"

The most successful companies have already adopted
our Operational CX & VoC Management services within
their organisation.

“We think different”

We use the best technology by engaging People, optimizing Processes, and improving Performance to add value to your business.

We think different

“We think different”

We use the best technology by engaging People, optimizing Processes, and improving Performance to add value to your business.

We think different


At the heart of every great success there are always the talented people who work with us, ingenious, passionate and determined to achieve their goals. Thanks to our people and their skills, we make a difference, to build relationships of trust with our customers and our partners. Join our team to create successful experiences.
JOIN US  Al centro di ogni grande successo ci sono sempre le persone di talento che lavorano con noi, ingegnose, appassionate e determinate al raggiungimento degli obiettivi.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES & CONSULTING  Strategia, Persone, Processi e Tecnologia: che tipo di esperienza vuoi offrire ai tuoi clienti?


Strategy, People, Processes, and Technology: What kind of experience do you want to offer your customers?

The answer to this simple question defines metrics, processes, tools, and technologies available today to automate and streamline operational processes, to deliver the highest possible quality and a better Customer Experience. Discover how OMEGA3C helps businesses design, implement, and manage the new CX (R)evolution.

Our Consulting & Solutions Provider offer covers the entire framework of CX-EX & VoC Management and Customer Interaction.Consulting & Services
Choose Your Experience
CX-EX e Voc-VoE Management Solutions
Contact Center Experience Solutions
We are CX-Experts

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