We Think Different.
Transforming Customer Service and the Contact Center into "Experience Centers" to add value.

Projects in the realm of Customer Service and Contact Center are mission critical as they impact customer management and the Customer Experience. The expertise and experience of our TEX-Team of Experts allow you to mitigate risks, anticipate challenges, evaluate solutions and cost-benefits, and, based on best practices, enhance CX to optimise processes with significant resource savings. We focus on the fundamental goal of meeting customer needs but shift the focus to CX and shift attention from cost to growth to gain a significant competitive advantage.

We Think Different.

Transforming Customer Service and the Contact Center into "Experience Centers" to add value.
Projects in the realm of Customer Service and Contact Center are mission critical as they impact customer management and the Customer Experience. The expertise and experience of our TEX-Team of Experts allow you to mitigate risks, anticipate challenges, evaluate solutions and cost-benefits, and, based on best practices, enhance CX to optimise processes with significant resource savings. We focus on the fundamental goal of meeting customer needs but shift the focus to CX and shift attention from cost to growth to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Create the Contact Center
for Exceptional CX.

Our Consulting & Professional Service approach enables us to create all-round value, from mapping the current state (AsIs) to strategy and designing the future model (ToBe), designing and optimising processes, implementing necessary technology, and building more efficient operational models for exceptional CX.

Create the Contact Center for Exceptional CX.

Our Consulting & Professional Service approach enables us to create all-round value, from mapping the current state (AsIs) to strategy and designing the future model (ToBe), designing and optimising processes, implementing necessary technology, and building more efficient operational models for exceptional CX.

Crea il Contact Center per una CX eccezionale.

Nella r​elazione con i clienti sono da considerare tre aspetti fondamentali

3 fundamental aspects should be considered in customer relationships

67% of consumers state that they have abandoned a brand due to poor customer service.
Customer Experience (CX) is increasingly becoming the key differentiating factor. In today's competitive scenario once lost a customer is lost forever!
An Omni-channel view of CX is essential.
To have control over the situation, it is necessary to collect, understand, and analyse customer behaviour and experience at all touchpoints of their customer journey. CX is the total of all interactions customers have with your brand.
The involvement of your people is crucial.
They actively shape and personalize customer experiences across all available channels. Unlike in the past, every minute is precious now, and the engagement of your people is another key factor for exceptional CX.

Nella r​elazione con i clienti sono da considerare tre aspetti fondamentali

3 fundamental aspects should be considered in customer relationships

67% of consumers state that they have abandoned a brand due to poor customer service.
Customer Experience (CX) is increasingly becoming the key differentiating factor. In today's competitive scenario once lost a customer is lost forever!
An Omni-channel view of CX is essential.
To have control over the situation, it is necessary to collect, understand, and analyse customer behaviour and experience at all touchpoints of their customer journey. CX is the total of all interactions customers have with your brand.
The involvement of your people is crucial.
They actively shape and personalize customer experiences across all available channels. Unlike in the past, every minute is precious now, and the engagement of your people is another key factor for exceptional CX.

Managing Customer Service and Contact Centers has become much more complex
today compared to the past

We guide companies in the process of transforming their contact Centers and provide day-by-day operational management to balance the advantages of the adopted sourcing model with efficiency and Customer Experience goals, in a continuous improvement process.​

Managing Customer Service and Contact Centers has become much more complex today compared to the past.

We guide companies in the process of transforming their contact Centers and provide day-by-day operational management to balance the advantages of the adopted sourcing model with efficiency and Customer Experience goals, in a continuous improvement process.​

La gestione del Customer Service e del Contact Center è oggi molto più complessa rispetto al passato

We Work together
with you as

Meet our TEX experts - CX Management Team of Experts and discover how we work with clients to achieve their goals, we are here to help.
We Work together with you as "ONE CX-TEAM"

Our Consulting & Solutions Provider offer covers the entire framework of CX-EX & VoC Management and Customer Interaction.Choose Your Experience
CX-EX e Voc-VoE Management Solutions
Contact Center Experience Solutions
We are CX-Experts
Who We Are 

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